Quiplo for Real Estate Agents

Do you want more touch points with Homeowners?

Only 1 in 4 homeowners use the agent they previously worked with to buy or sell a home. Quiplo helps real estate agents stay top of mind with homeowners by continuing to add value post transaction.

How Quiplo can support and grow your business

Build Client Relationships

Invite past / current clients and leads to have access to your local list of skilled vendors – allowing you to stay top of mind and provide value in their homeownership journey. You receive service request notifications when clients use your vendor list.

Streamline Communication

Whether you are prepping a listing or helping your buyer get estimates, streamline communication with your vendors by sending job requests and tracking availability and estimates.

Organize Your Vendor List

Your preferred vendors are a critical extension of your value proposition and brand. Organize your team’s vendor list, track vendor management and treat it as an asset to grow your business.

Features and Pricing

Introductory pricing! Reach out at contact@quiploteams.com to help get you and your team setup for FREE!


  • Job requests to vendors and gain efficiency with scheduling

  • Invite clients to stay top of mind

  • Save preferred vendors

  • Generate ancillary revenue

  • Gain Client Insights

It’s important to stay top of mind. 40% of sellers found their agents through a referral by friends or family.

Checkout our video tutorials to get started with Quiplo!

How to invite agents, homeowners and vendors?

Agents are able to invite homeowners and preferred vendors they work with.

How to sign up as an Agent?

To create an Agent account enter your email address and full name. Create a password or use Google to create an account.

How to submit job requests?

Save time and send multiple job requests to all your vendors in one simple form.

What to do if you want to schedule a vendor?

Select a job request and view all vendor responses. To send a request to schedule select “Schedule” and the date. This will send the vendor and you an email to coordinate details.